Elite Athletes-Turned-Surgeons Take Valuable Lessons into the OR. All surgeons are rigorous, but a few have won the Superbowl, competed in the Olympics, or danced with a world-class ballet company. What insights can these athletes-turned-surgeons offer nonathletic surgeons—and the rest of us? ACS Bulletin, 10 June 2023.

So, Gutenberg Didn’t Actually Invent the Printing Press As We Know It. The story you might know goes like this: Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the mid-fifteenth century, spreading his innovation by printing religious texts. That’s correct, but not complete. The story involves much of Asia, long before Gutenberg was even born. Lithub, 19 June 2019.

Can Chicago Keep a $6-Billion Development from Displacing a 100-Seat Club? In a battle between a planned luxury mega-development and a bar in a two-story wood-frame house, the bar, called the Hideout, has captured the public’s support. This oral history of the Hideout explains why. Next City, 11 February 2019.

This Violent World: How Literature Helps Us Cope. What the literary oeuvre of Aleksandar Hemon has to do with an industrial disaster in Bangladesh, a bombing in eastern Turkey, and my friend Ben. Lithub, 12 April 2016.

The Liberation Theology of Dr. Paul Farmer. Liberation theology might be ignored in America, despite the Pope's enthusiasm for it -- but in global health, it matters tremendously. Religion & Politics, 1 March 2016.